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2012-12-13 Spirited disagreement with Friends of the Earth UK.
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Published by NPR
Economically Speaking Is Climate Change A Priority? by DAVID KESTENBAUM
December 15, 2009 Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, is roaming the halls of the U.N. climate talks in Copenhagen. While Lomborg believes climate change is real, he thinks the approach being taken to fight it is doomed to failure. Lomborg also famously led a team of economists who ranked climate change low on a list of priorities when compared to things like combating disease. Needless to say, Lomborg is not a popular figure at the talks. Listen to the interview online
Published by Financial Times
By Bjorn Lomborg Published: December 23 2009
After 12 days of protests, posturing and seemingly endless palaver, the elephantine gath ering that was the Copen-hagen climate summit has laboured mightily and brought forth . . . a mouse. As vague as it is toothless, the accord on curbing greenhouse gas emissions that emerged from the Bella Centre this weekend imposes no real obligations, sets no binding emissions targets and requires no specific actions by anyone. (...)
Published by Esquire
Bjørn Lomborg, the controversial author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, is back with his new book, Cool It. His take on global warming is bound to come under fire. Here, Lomborg responds to his likely critics.