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Tackle challenges by developing transformative technologies, not with restrictions
Published by Jordan B Peterson Podcast on YouTube
Bjorn Lomborg joins Jordan Peterson on his podcast to explore the idea of how we do good in the world most effectively.In order to get to a point where we can discuss investing in better education and nutrition, we also need to confront the sense of impending doom that has swept the western world and specifically today's young people. Together, Peterson and Lomborg break down the ideas of social credit and easy activism, and paint the picture of a world we can strive for, without the demonization and destruction of the one we currently inhabit.
Published by Project Syndicate
COPENHAGEN – Common sense was an early loser in the scorching battle over the reality of man-made global warming. For nearly 20 years, one group of activists argued – in the face of ever-mounting evidence – that global warming was a fabrication. Their opponents, meanwhile, exaggerated the phenomenon’s likely impact – and, as a consequence, dogmatically fixated on drastic, short-term carbon cuts as the only solution, despite overwhelming evidence that such cuts would be cripplingly expensive and woefully ineffective. (...)
Published by Esquire
Bjørn Lomborg, the controversial author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, is back with his new book, Cool It. His take on global warming is bound to come under fire. Here, Lomborg responds to his likely critics.