Get the facts straight
Lomborg also discussed reducing our reliance on Russian oil and gas in multiple interviews
Published by Estado de Sao Paulo
Confederação da agricultura traz céticos do clima para SP O Estado de S. Paulo - 30/03/2010 A Confederação Nacional da Agricultura (CNA) convidou dois famosos céticos do clima, Patrick Michaels e Bjorn Lomborg (foto), para participar de um fórum sobre desenvolvimento agropecuário e aquecimento global. Os dois acreditam que a Terra esteja esquentando, mas não acham que a prioridade seja cortar as emissões de gases de efeito estufa.
Published by Wall Street Journal
For decades, climate activists have exhorted people in the wealthy West to change their personal behavior to cut carbon emissions. We have been told to drive less, to stop flying and, in general, to reduce consumption—all in the name of saving the planet from ever higher temperatures.
The Covid-19 pandemic has now achieved these goals, at least temporarily. With the enormous reduction in global economic activity, it has been as if people around the world suddenly decided to heed the activists and curtail their travel and consumption.
Published by Xinhua
Lower carbon emission, higher energy lifestyle possible in developing countries: Danish scientist 2010-09-18 14:30:03
Danish scientist Bjorn Lomborg is interviewed in Copenhagen, capital of Denmark, on Sept. 6, 2010. Although emerging economies will witness a major buildup in carbon emission in the years ahead, smarter technologies could help them mitigate the effects of global warming, Danish scientist Bjorn Lomborg said. (Xinhua/Devapriyo Das) (...)