Get the facts straight
Governments push heavily subsidized renewables, but fossil-fuel use continues to increase even faster.
Published by The Australian
Despite intense climate worries, electorates have been unwilling to spend the trillions needed to cut emissions dramatically. That is why climate campaigners have increasingly pursued a new strategy by forcing climate policy through courts. Across the world, the UN now counts at least 1550 such climate cases in 38 countries, including Australia, often filed by young people invoking a fear for their future. Unfortunately, such cases undermine democracy, harm the poor, and sidetrack us from smarter ways to fix the climate.
Published by Listy z naszego sadu
Zrezygnowanie z jedzenia mięsa to jest najnowsza rada na ratowanie planety: „nowe, duże badanie” twierdzi, że „olbrzymia redukcja w konsumpcji mięsa” jest „niezbędna, by uniknąć załamania się klimatu”, jak to ujmuje „Guardian”.
Było to po twierdzeniach Humane Society, że ”twoja dieta może uratować planetę” i propozycji niemieckiej Partii Zielonych ustanowienia narodowego dnia wegetarianizmu. Także były dygnitarz ONZ ds. klimatu wierzy, że „najlepszym rozwiązaniem dla nas wszystkich byłoby zostanie wegetarianami”.
Published by Project Syndicate
The World Bank does a lot of important and effective work, especially in health and education, but its climate policies are poorly considered. The Bank’s new president, David Malpass, should refocus the institution on its core mission of eradicating poverty – including the energy poverty that wrecks so many lives.