Get the facts straight
Paul Gigot interviews Bjorn Lomborg on Biden's climate goals.
Published by Wall Street Journal
Why do the global glitterati ignore water and air pollution?
20 June, 2012. By Bjorn Lomborg
The United Nations environment summit in Rio this week is a great example of how good intentions can thwart real progress on global problems. What's the world's biggest environmental challenge? Ask the global elites at U.N. conferences, and they're likely to answer: "global warming." Global warming is indeed a concern, and we need smart solutions. But let's put things in perspective.
Published by Herald Sun
The concept of trade-offs has become unfashionable. Politicians around the world like to pretend that their choices will bring us nothing but superlative benefits.
Nowhere is this whitewashing more pervasive or accepted than in climate change. There is a prevalent, comforting notion that we can have our cake and eat it too: that cutting carbon need not involve financial sacrifice.
Published by AkzoNobel
Is global warming just a load of hot air?
Climate change is clearly a burning issue, but who to believe? We spoke to three experts with differing views on the subject in an effort to determine what’s really going on.
Words: Jim Wake