Get the facts straight
Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg says we waste money in the fight against climate change.
Published by Chicago's Morning Answer
Bjorn Lomborg he points out that the costs of our climate promises would be higher than the total tax intake of all governments across the world today, far exceeding the benefits of climate change mitigation.
Published by Fox & Friends
The Texas rolling black-outs have become a Rorschach test where everyone sees what they’d like to see. Wind skeptics point out that wind turbines are frozen, renewable energy campaigners point out that gas, coal and nuclear power plants also cut out. But the much more fundamental point is: Not having enough power when you need it can be deadly. This is relevant for the attempt by the Biden administration to get rid of fossil fuels in the electricity sector by 2035. It will create a lot of problems, especially if it is focused on intermittent renewables.
Published by IQ2US
The entire playlist: Carbon Emissions Debate can be found here. (2 of 14) MAJOR REDUCTIONS IN CARBON EMISSIONS ARE NOT WORTH THE MONEY DEBATE:BJORN LOMBORG (13 of 14) MAJOR REDUCTIONS IN CARBON EMISSIONS ARE NOT WORTH THE MONEY: CLOSING ARGUMENTS PT1 On BBC World News Channel: Verizon-FIOS: Channel 94 or 107 Optimum/Cablevision Channel 104 March 7: 2:10 am, 10:10 am, 3:10 pm, 8:10 pm (EST) March 8: 2:10 am, 10:10 am, 3:10 pm (EST)