Get the facts straight
Published by El Pais
La información del Washington Post, sobre la intención de Trump de pedir al Congreso que recorte un 72% los fondos de las energías limpias y los programas de eficiencia energética en su presupuesto de este año, no ha tenido el impacto mediático de lo que realmente significaría si se llevara a cabo.
Published by Ottimisti & Razionali
Noto al pubblico come l’ambientalista scettico dall’omonimo fortunato titolo del suo best seller di 17 anni fa, Bjorn Lomborg non è un negazionista climatico ma piuttosto una voce dissenziente sulle politiche per mitigare gli effetti del riscaldamento climatico.
Published by InfoBAE
La información publicada por el The Washington Post sobre la intención del Gobierno de Donald Trump de pedir al Congreso que recorte un 72% los fondos de las energías limpias y los programas de eficiencia energética en su presupuesto de este año, no ha tenido el impacto mediático de lo que realmente significaría si se llevara a cabo.
Published by KfW
Wie lässt sich die Erderwärmung bekämpfen? Dr. Bjørn Lomborg, Autor von „Apocalypse No!”, und Dr. Jörg Zeuner, Chefvolkswirt der KfW Bankengruppe, diskutieren über den richtigen Umgang mit dem Klimawandel und eine effektive Entwicklungshilfe.
Published by USA Today
News that the Trump administration is poised to ask Congress for deep budget cuts to the Energy Department's renewable energy and energy efficiency programs has thus far generated less outrage than the White House’s abandonment of the Paris Climate Treaty, yet has the potential to be far more damaging to efforts to respond to climate change.
Published by Svenska Dagbladet
När vi tänker på energifattigdom ser vi framför oss bristande belysning i världens sämst ställda länder där 1,1 miljarder människor fortfarande saknar el. Denna enorma utmaning, som kommer att tacklas på bred front när vi fortsätter att minska fattigdomen och hjälpa dem som saknar fast el att få kontakt med elnätet, drivs till stor del av fossila bränslen.
Published by Die Welt
Kälteres Wetter bedeutet höhere Energiekosten – und für viele Menschen eine Menge Stress. Die Energie-Armen werden in Diskussionen der Industrieländer über Klimapolitik meist vergessen, doch sie tragen eine ungerechte Last.
Published by Wall Street Journal
Freezing temperatures in the U.S. Northeast have pushed up heating costs, creating serious stress for many Americans. Although the rich world’s energy poor are largely forgotten in discussions about climate policies, they bear an unfair burden for well-meaning proposals. That reality is being laid bare this icy winter as energy and electricity prices surge.
Published by Project Syndicate
Two years after the Paris climate agreement was signed, the French capital this month again attracted the world’s good and great, who gathered for President Emmanuel Macron’s One Planet Summit. In turns blasting US President Donald Trump for withdrawing from the Paris accord and telling each other that it remains on track, politicians formed a self-congratulatory huddle with celebrity campaigners and business leaders.
Published by China Daily
The follow-up meeting to the 2015 Paris climate accord on Dec 12 will be slightly less impressive than the original. Having dumped the Paris Agreement, US President Donald Trump is going to skip, and China and India are sending ministers instead of their leaders. But we will hear the same defiance coming from Paris as we have heard for the past two years: the Paris Agreement will continue, even without the US.