Get the facts straight
Published by Svenska Dagbladet
Det paradis som utlovas är ett luftslott av önsketänkande och grönt säljsnack. Det bör världens fattiga inte tvingas nöja sig med, skriver Bjørn Lomborg.
Published by Wall Street Journal
We constantly hear that electric cars are the future—cleaner, cheaper and better. But if they’re so good, why does California need to ban gasoline-powered cars? Why does the world spend $30 billion a year subsidizing electric ones?
Published by You Tube - Jordan B Peterson's channel
Climate-alarmist politicians and the “intellectual elite” prioritize a vague plan for saving earth over the lives of struggling people all over the world. Governments are being forced to press their citizens, straining already fragile economic and agricultural systems, in order to appease a green utopian vision.
Bjørn Lomborg and Ralph Schoellhammer sit down with Jordan B Peterson to discuss the faults in this plan, and the people who are suffering because of it.
Published by Libre Mercado
La hipocresía del mundo rico con respecto a los combustibles fósiles se pone de manifiesto en su respuesta a la crisis energética mundial tras la invasión rusa a Ucrania. Mientras los países ricos del G7 exhortan a los pobres del mundo a utilizar sólo energías renovables por motivos climáticos, Europa y Estados Unidos piden a las naciones árabes que aumenten la producción de petróleo. Alemania está reabriendo centrales energéticas de carbón, mientras que España e Italia están aumentando la producción de gas de África.
Published by Financial Post
The disconnect between the global elite and the real world is growing by the day. Most people are worn down by the pandemic, food and energy price hikes and general inflation, and worried about recession. Yet the chattering classes are jetting into conferences at Davos or Aspen to declare that our biggest and most immediate threats are climate change, environmental disasters and biodiversity loss.
Published by Postimees
Rikka maailma vastuses ülemaailmsele energiakriisile pärast Venemaa sissetungi Ukrainasse on selgelt näha silmakirjalikkust fossiilkütuste suhtes. Kui jõukad G7 riigid manitsevad maailma vaeseid kasutama kliimaprobleemide tõttu ainult taastuvenergiat, anuvad Euroopa ja USA Araabia riikidelt naftatootmise laiendamist, kirjutab Copenhagen Consensuse president Bjorn Lomborg.
Published by Tempi
La costosissima crociata anti-emissioni finisce per aggravare crisi come fame, povertà, energia. Proprio quelle che dovremmo affrontare per prime. Olanda e Sri Lanka moniti da non ignorare
Published by Sky News
Copenhagen Consensus President Bjorn Lomborg says it’s “immoral” to tell the poor world not to use fossil fuels.
“Of course, they want to do the same thing,” he told Sky News host Chris Smith.
“India, Africa, want to do what China did.”