Get the facts straight
Journal Editorial Report: Paul Gigot interviews Bjorn Lomborg on COP28.
Published by The Australian
A carbon tax can't save the planet Bjorn Lomborg From: The Australian July 11, 2011 AUSTRALIAN politicians on both sides of parliament should be applauded for seeking to respond to global warming at a time when many leaders have put this on the back burner. Unfortunately, much of the present-day focus is on cutting a tonne here or there from national carbon emissions. On Sunday, Julia Gillard announced the details of the carbon price package. (...)
Published by The Times
2013-10-19 Ignore the doomsters: on nearly every measure our planet is getting fairer, healthier and safer.
Published by Wall Street Journal
The energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine disabused many politicians of the notion that the world could make a swift transition to green energy powered by solar, wind and wishful thinking. As food prices skyrocket and the conflict threatens a global food crisis, we need to face another unpopular reality: Organic farming is ineffective, land hungry and very expensive, and it would leave billions hungry if it were embraced world-wide.