Get the facts straight
As the high costs of green policies hit, it’s becoming a lose-lose issue for politicians of the left.
Published by The Wall Street Journal
In an interview with Wall Street Journal editor Paul Gigot, Lomborg points out that even though climate change is one problem we need to fix, the world’s poor have many more urgent concerns of which rich countries, multilateral institutions and even development organizations are losing sight.
Published by China Daily
The recent eruption of the Hunga volcano about 30 kilometers southeast of Tonga's Fonuafo'ou island raised the eyebrows of climate scientists around the globe. The volcano sent hundreds of thousands of tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, which can have a cooling effect on Earth.
Published by New York Post
The global elite has little idea what afflicts the poor, says Pope Francis. He’s right — but that observation sometimes applies to him, too.In his US visit, the pope is already creating headlines about the urgent need to respond to climate change. Invoking the need to “protect the vulnerable in our world,” he calls for an end to humanity’s reliance on fossil fuels.