Get the facts straight
It turns out the percentage of the globe that burns each year has been declining since 2001.
Published by The Journal Editorial Report
Journal Editorial Report: Paul Gigot interviews Bjorn Lomborg on COP28.
Published by Times of India
To tackle climate change, rich nations are promising to end fossil fuel use in 29 years. As this becomes excruciatingly costly, the G7 is now thinking about making the world’s poor pay for it. That’ll go badly.
Published by Forbes
At his recent World Leaders Climate Summit, President Biden repeated his claim that climate change presents an "existential threat."
This pervasive climate alarmism is the culmination of persistent eco-anxiety over the past decades. Already in 1982, the United Nations was predicting that climate change along with other environmental concerns could cause a worldwide “devastation as complete, as irreversible as any nuclear holocaust” by the year 2000. Needless to say, that didn’t happen.