Get the facts straight
Development agencies fund green projects when people need jobs, food and energy.
Published by Project Syndicate
COPENHAGEN – Since the Copenhagen climate summit’s failure, many politicians and pundits have pointed the finger at China’s leaders for blocking a binding, global carbon-mitigation treaty. But the Chinese government’s resistance was both understandable and inevitable. Rather than mustering indignation, decision-makers would do well to use this as a wake-up call: it is time to consider a smarter climate policy. China is unwilling to do anything that might curtail the economic growth that has enabled millions of Chinese to clamber out of poverty.
Project Syndicate2012-06-13 Bjorn Lomborg Project Syndicate
Tens of thousands of people will soon gather in Rio de Janeiro for the United Nations Earth Summit. The participants, ranging from weary politicians to enthusiastic campaigners, are supposed to reignite global concern for the environment. Unfortunately, the summit is likely to be a wasted opportunity.
Published by Sky News
Author and Copenhagen Consensus Center President Bjorn Lomborg has raised concerns about tuberculosis and its effect on lower-class people.