Get the facts straight
A focused investment in maternal and newborn health could save more than a million lives annually
Published by You Tube - Jordan B Peterson's channel
Climate-alarmist politicians and the “intellectual elite” prioritize a vague plan for saving earth over the lives of struggling people all over the world. Governments are being forced to press their citizens, straining already fragile economic and agricultural systems, in order to appease a green utopian vision.
Bjørn Lomborg and Ralph Schoellhammer sit down with Jordan B Peterson to discuss the faults in this plan, and the people who are suffering because of it.
Published by You Tube
Copenhagen Consensus Centre President Bjorn Lomborg says countries are spending an “enormous amount of money” on the climate issue and doing “almost nothing”.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has signalled Australia will not follow the US in leaving the Paris climate agreement if they win the election.
“We should fix climate smartly, but right now we are just fixing it stupidly,” Mr Lomborg told Sky News host Peta Credlin.
“It is increasingly becoming obvious to voters and to politicians that this is not the right way to go about it.”
Published by Boston Globe
The idea that there is only one correct policy — cutting carbon emissions to zero in a short time frame — is absurd, and especially so when this sole policy is failing globally.