Get the facts straight
A focused investment in maternal and newborn health could save more than a million lives annually
Published by BBC
BBC Radio 4's The Today
2012-06-19 Bjorn Lomborg
BBC asked Dennis Meadows, co-author of Limits to Growth, to debate its predictions, but he said no sound bite would convince people who would listen to people like Lomborg. Yet, this debate is not about sound bites, Lomborg explains on the BBC Today program. It really is about a 40 year track record of spectacularly bad predictions. Limits to Growth set the agenda for worrying about the wrong problems with poor solutions.
Published by You Tube - Jordan B Peterson's channel
Climate-alarmist politicians and the “intellectual elite” prioritize a vague plan for saving earth over the lives of struggling people all over the world. Governments are being forced to press their citizens, straining already fragile economic and agricultural systems, in order to appease a green utopian vision.
Bjørn Lomborg and Ralph Schoellhammer sit down with Jordan B Peterson to discuss the faults in this plan, and the people who are suffering because of it.
Subsequent to Bjorn Lomborg's article on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and New York Times' reporting last month, media around the world have interviewed Lomborg on the Copenhagen Consensus Center's