Cool it
Cool It is a groundbreaking book that transformed the debate about global warming by offering a fresh perspective based on human needs as well as environmental concerns. Sundance Award-winning director Ondi Timoner filmed a documentary with the same name based on the book and following Bjorn Lomborg for almost a year.

The book
Bjorn Lomborg argues that many of the elaborate and expensive actions now being considered to stop global warming will cost hundreds of billions of dollars, are often based on emotional rather than strictly scientific assumptions, and may very well have little impact on the world's temperature for hundreds of years. Rather than starting with the most radical procedures, Lomborg argues that we should first focus our resources on more immediate concerns, such as fighting malaria and HIV/AIDS and assuring and maintaining a safe, fresh water supply-which can be addressed at a fraction of the cost and save millions of lives within our lifetime. He asks why the debate over climate change has stifled rational dialogue and killed meaningful dissent.
Lomborg presents us with a second generation of thinking on global warming that believes panic is neither warranted nor a constructive place from which to deal with any of humanity's problems, not just global warming. Cool It promises to be one of the most talked about and influential books of our time.
Click here for the following translations: Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish. Click here for Scandinavian translations and reviews (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish).
Buy it on Amazon, also available for Kindle.
The Movie
Cool It is based upon Lomborg's book of the same name. Sundance Award-winning filmmaker Ondi Timoner travels the world with Lomborg exploring the real facts and true science of global warming and its impact. Climate catastrophe? The end of civilization as we know it?
Amidst the strong and polarized opinions within the global warming debate, Cool It follows Lomborg on his mission to bring the smartest solutions to climate change, environmental pollution, and other major problems in the world.
Available on Amazon, Hulu, Netflix and other streaming services.
An engrossing, brain-tickling picture!
Jeannette Catsoulis, The New York Times
A hopeful, tantalizing counterpoint to ‘An Inconvenient Truth.
Betsey Sharkey, Los Angeles Times
Enlightening, eye-opening, brain-nourishing stuff!
Steven Zeitchik, Los Angeles Times
Far more convincing than ‘An Inconvenient Truth.
Peter Foster, Financial Post
A must-see!
Monika Bartyzel,
Cool It -- complete with its own slide show and witty graphics -- amounts to a devastating rebuttal to Gore-ism.
Kyle Smith, New York Post
Jam-packed but never disorienting, Cool It will definitely get your head spinning.
Jennie Punter, The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
Cinema release: November 12, 2010
DVD release: March 29, 2011.
Media and reviews
IMDB - International Movie Data Base - News and Info, Pics, Trailers (Italian) - Filminfo (German)
The Movie Site - Trailer, Synopsis, Ratings, Showtimes (South Africa)