Get the facts straight
Published by Financial Post
The disconnect between the global elite and the real world is growing by the day. Most people are worn down by the pandemic, food and energy price hikes and general inflation, and worried about recession. Yet the chattering classes are jetting into conferences at Davos or Aspen to declare that our biggest and most immediate threats are climate change, environmental disasters and biodiversity loss.
Published by Tempi
La costosissima crociata anti-emissioni finisce per aggravare crisi come fame, povertà, energia. Proprio quelle che dovremmo affrontare per prime. Olanda e Sri Lanka moniti da non ignorare
Published by Sky News
Copenhagen Consensus President Bjorn Lomborg says it’s “immoral” to tell the poor world not to use fossil fuels.
“Of course, they want to do the same thing,” he told Sky News host Chris Smith.
“India, Africa, want to do what China did.”
Published by FOX News
Paul Gigot interviews Bjorn Lomborg on Biden's climate goals.
Published by Wall Street Journal
Top administration officials are fanning out across the U.S. in a victory lap for the new Inflation Reduction Act, which President Biden calls “the most significant legislation in history to tackle the climate crisis.” America, we are told, is a global climate leader again. This narrative has serious problems.
President Biden enthusiastically describes his administration's new Inflation Reduction Act as "the most significant legislation in history to tackle the climate crisis." Curiously though, neither officials nor media praising the IRA are stating the actual climate impact of spending $369 billion on the bill's climate provisions.
Published by Finmag
Globální energetická krize po ruské invazi na Ukrajinu naplno odhalila pokrytectví vyspělého světa. Zatímco v časech dobrých tlačí na chudé země, ať přestanou využívat fosilní zdroje, v časech zlých volají po zvýšení těžby uhlí, píše exkluzivně pro dánský statistik Bjørn Lomborg.
Copenhagen Consensus president Bjorn Lomborg explains the impact of the Democrats' spending bill on the environment on 'Kudlow.'