Lomborg: why a Green Revolution is the wrong answer to tackling global warming
Published by The Guardian
The Green Pseudo Revolution - Lomborg's latest op-ed in the Guardian, Nov 14 2008. With a worldwide recession advancing, strong action on global warming has been thrown into jeopardy. This matters, because in little more than a year, the world will sit down in Copenhagen to negotiate the follow-on treaty to the failed Kyoto Protocol. Yet, with people losing jobs and income, immediate economic help seems to matter more than temperature differentials 100 years from now.
Lomborg's debate with Yohe in the Guardian
Published by The Guardian
Gary Yohe: Climate change is real, compelling and urgent Björn Lomborg has been a persistent global warming naysayer and his claims misrepresent my findings
Bjorn Lomborg: An academic's duty is to truth, not trends Gary Yohe says I am a global warming naysayer – but just because a political movement has clarity, doesn't mean it's smart