Lomborg's upcoming Australian Speech Tour
Lomborg's upcoming Australian Speech Tour. Kindly contact the organizers if you want to attend any of the events March 1, 9am, Melbourne Green Cities 2011 Conference http://www.greencities.org.au/speakers.asp March 2, 11:30am, Canberra Outlook 2011 Conference Forests in a low carbon global economy session http://www.daff.gov.au/abare-brs/outlook March 2, 3pm, Canberra Economics and Regional Development Conferencehttp://www.csu.edu.au/research/ilws/news/events/ March 7, 6pm, Melbourne Australian Institute of International Affairs lecture (AIIA) Climate Change: A Way Forward http://www.aiia.asn.au/vic-events/event/192-climate-change-a-way-forward March 8, 12:45pm, Sydney Lowy Institute, Distinguished Speaker Series Building a Response to Climate Change: Two Sides to the Solution http://www.lowyinstitute.org/Upcoming-Events.asp March 8, 5pm, Sydney Planet Ark event http://planetark.org
Tue, 2011-03-01
Tue, 2011-03-08