Get the facts straight
Febr 11, 2012 (recorded on Febr 9 Thu) Newstalk Radio 777 WABC Monica Crowley Show
Published by CNN
Bjørn Lomborg was interviewed on Piers Morgan Live, CNN's primetime talk show, discussing the alleged connection between climate change and extreme weather.
He also issued a statement about the claims that global warming was to blame for the Oklahoma tornadoes:
Numbers show downward trend even as temperatures have increased
Published by Russell Brand Podcast on Rumble
Bjørn is the author of False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.With his think tank, the Copenhagen Consensus, he has worked with hundreds of the world’s top economists and seven Nobel Laureates to find and promote the most effective solutions to the world’s greatest challenges, from disease and hunger to climate and education.
Published by Fox News
As you get more renewables, energy for the consumer becomes costlier.
In Germany, consumers had to subsidize green energy to the tune of 31 billion euros last year. Little surprise, Germans now pay the highest electricity prices in the world.