Interview with Lomborg in the Barron's

Global Warming Is Manageable -- if We're Smart

THE NEXT TREATY TO CURB GLOBAL WARMING WILL BE negotiated this December in Copenhagen, Bjorn Lomborg's home city.

Called by The Guardian (U.K.) "one of the 50 people who could save the planet," Lomborg, a statistician, is the author of The Skeptical Environmentalist (2001) and Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming" (2007). He also maintains a Website on environmental issues at Contrary to widely held belief, Lomborg isn't at all skeptical of the fact that global warming is a problem, or that humanity is contributing to it. To get some idea of his real message, Barron's recently caught up with him at an event hosted by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, in which he presented his views on the major priorities for helping the world's poor. Afterward, he sat down to answer our questions in clear, unaccented English, marshalling facts and figures with stunning ease. (...) 

2 Jun 2009

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