Get the facts straight
Bjørn Lomborg's talk at the CEVRO Institute in Prague, 11 Dec, 2012. Length: 1h 33min
Published by CNN
Fareed Zakaria moderated a heated debate on global warming between Jeffery Sachs from the Earth Institute at Columbia University and author Bjorn Lomborg.
Published by Wall Street Journal
Later this week, world leaders will gather in New York at the United Nations to endorse international development goals for the next 15 years. It is the culmination of a four-year process for setting priorities to help the world’s most disadvantaged people—a process beset from the start by horse-trading, haggling and endless consultation. In a bid not to offend anyone, the new development agenda is expected to include an incredible 169 targets for investment. Giving priority to 169 things is the same as giving priority to nothing at all.
Published by The Telegraph
By Bjorn Lomborg 02 Jul 2010