Get the facts straight
Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough Can green energy be cheap? An interview with Bjorn Lomborg
Published by Wall Street Journal
Why do the global glitterati ignore water and air pollution?
20 June, 2012. By Bjorn Lomborg
The United Nations environment summit in Rio this week is a great example of how good intentions can thwart real progress on global problems. What's the world's biggest environmental challenge? Ask the global elites at U.N. conferences, and they're likely to answer: "global warming." Global warming is indeed a concern, and we need smart solutions. But let's put things in perspective.
Published by New York Post
It’s easy to believe that life on Earth is getting ever-worse. The media highlight one catastrophe after another and make terrifying predictions. With a torrent of doom and gloom about climate change and the environment, it’s understandable why many people — especially the young — genuinely believe the world is about to end.
Lomborgs kølige kamp mod dommedagsprædikanterne. Miljøforkæmpere har i snart 10 år forsøgt at fryse Bjørn Lomborg ud af debatten. Men han lader sig ikke kyse. I 'Cool it' gør han endnu et bravt forsøg på at mane til besindighed, før klimapanikken tager overhånd. Las hele anmeldelsen (PDF)